AllWarps by Ivaar - Gives access to the menu options for the following warps: Homepoints, Survivel Guides, and Waypoints. Meditation Spectral Floe Occultation Subduction Erratic Flutter Magic Fruit Battery Charge Rail Cannon Dream Flower -Equipment Sets Chant du Cygne: TP set: Nuking set: Magic Burst set: Precast set: Idle set: - Great guide for BLU if you're new to the job: /forum/topic/306. Some have been modified by me to suit my own needs, full credit goes to the original creators. Here's my setup, starting with the Physical spells first: Sickle Slash Empty Thrash Delta Thrust Heavy Strike Barbed Crescent Paralyzing Triad Glutinous Dart Thrashing Assault Sinker Drill - Elemental Blue Magic: Sound Blast Fantod Nat.
I average around 120 Alexandrite per run. I am sub THF, I highly recommend you do too unless you have TH+4 in gear. You may have to config your sets, Blue Magic Points depending. Keep in mind that I do have 1200 Job Points into BLU. (That should be obvious but people get triggered easily lol) My spellset is focused around being a hybrid at both nuking and melee. I am not claiming that this is the best way to do it, this is just how I do it.