It’s important to check your pay stub regularly to ensure that it is accurate and reflects the correct amount of pay and deductions. If you have trouble accessing your account, you can contact Dollar General’s HR department for assistance.
To view your pay stub, you will need to log in to your account using your employee ID and password. Pay stubs are important because they provide an accurate record of your earnings and deductions, which can be useful for tax purposes and when applying for loans or mortgages.ĭollar General provides its employees with an electronic pay stub, which can be accessed online through the DGme website. It includes your gross pay, net pay, taxes withheld, and any deductions or contributions you made during that pay period. If you work or have worked for Dollar General, you will receive a pay stub each pay period that outlines your earnings and deductions.Ī pay stub, also known as a paycheck stub, is a document that shows the details of your pay for a specific pay period. Dollar General is a popular chain of variety stores in the United States that sells various products, including groceries, clothing, household items, and more.